Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Universe Hates Me and Birds Have Runny Poop

Today was not a good day.

It started with me waking up at 6 to make it to a 7 am appointment to get my blood drawn. It is not a normal blood draw, because it takes 3 hours and I have to fast for it. They called it a blood glucose tolerance test or something. I don't know. The point is I drink some kind of delicious soda drink that promptly launches me into a sugar coma, then they draw my blood like 5 times within 3 hours or something.  

So I have to fast, which is difficult because I am a black hole for food, specifically cookies. Then when I go, I have to sit and think about food as I stare at the needle stealing away my blood.

Anyways so I go, I'm there on time. That is a big deal. 

Too bad the office isn't even open. It is a good thing that I was so tired, because I didn't have the energy to be pissed. I was left with a quiet resignation to my misfortune. So I sat and did homework, at 7 am, outside a doctor's office. Some time later an old woman sat next to me. It was me and the old lady for a while. She smelled like sandalwood. 

8 am, they finally open their doors. If I was at full capacity I would have launched into raging Asian mode. But no, I stagger in with my laptop bag and declare that I have an appointment.

The lady at the front desk looks at her computer. Looks at me. Looks at her computer. Something is wrong.

Apparently I was not scheduled for this wonderful 3 hour blood test. I assume she thinks I made it up.
I am certain I made the appointment. Asian fury begins to build.
She notices.
She talks with someone in the back, and they figure it out: the person in charge of scheduling scheduled my appointment in the wrong office. 
I make a face which I imagine looks like this:

No amount of eyelashes could make that face look good.

The receptionist is even disturbed. 
She apologizes a little.
But that doesn't fix the situation that I got up at 6 for no reason and now I have to go through the same process next week.
If she gave me some jellybeans that were on her desk I would have been appeased. There's no way she didn't see me staring at them. She doesn't share.

I go home pissed off.

I go to school slightly calmer.
As I'm walking to studio, though, I feel a wet drop on my leggings. I'm walking pretty quickly to make it to class in time, and as I walk I think, ...I know it's cloudy...but it's not raining....

I look down and sure enough, there is a splotch of some kind of liquid on my leggings. 

(that is my body drawn in perspective okay)

It's noticeable. While initial panics of whether or not it looks like a droplet of pee somehow landed on my knee, I begin to place blame.
Blame lands on birds.
Birds somehow manage to have runny poops.
I somehow manage to have horrible luck.
There was probably some incontinent bird in the skies that felt like dropping its load just as I was speed walking to class. 

Perfect aim. 
This is why I religiously eat chicken. 

And when I get to class, my bad luck follows. I'm afraid to draw pictures in case the school finds me through secret government spies and satellites and will subsequently expel me.

But anyways my professor tells me to make two changes on separate pages. 
I do just that, and I hang them up to show him.
He demands why I made them on separate pages.
I apologize and say I didn't understand, so I remake it on one page and put that up.
He demands why I made them on one page, and that I should make it on two separate pages, that this is not a difficult concept.

I pause. Anger building to peak levels. Beginning to formulate Asian fury arguments. But I can't get expelled, then the secret government spies and satellites will win.

So I smile and say I'll fix it.

But really I'm just perpetually in a state of 

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